What's Happening?
SBHS Program
SBHS Events
All meetings are held at the Union Parish House unless otherwise stated. Please click on markers for directions. Doors open at 6:30 pm for evening events and the programs begin at 7:00 pm. We hope you will join us for light refreshments prior to the program.
Cemetery Walk - Rutherford Island Cemetery
10:00 AM
June 10, Saturday 10am - 12 noon—Cemetery walk at Rutherford Island Cemetery. Located on Route 129, before the Union Church, on the left going up the hill. Parking on the roadside or at the church.
Annual Meeting and Q&A with Local Lobstermen
6:30 PM
July 12, Wednesday 6:30pm —Historical Society Annual General Meeting, followed by a discussion about the fishing industry and Q&A with lobsterman Tim Alley and others. At Union Church Parish Hall.
Meetinghouses of Maine - Earle Shuttleworth, Jr
3:00 PM
August 16, Wednesday 3:00pm — Meetinghouses of Maine, a presentation by State Historian Earle Shettleworth, Jr. At the South Bristol Union Church, in the upstairs sanctuary.
1700 South Bristol History
7:00 PM
Union Church Parish Hall, South Bristol
October 18, Wednesday 7pm—David Andrews will speak about pre-1700 South Bristol history. At Union Church Parish Hall.
Genealogy Workshop
3:00 PM
Note - Rescheduled for October 21st, Saturday 3pm—Genealogy Workshop - Tools for building Your Family Tree, At Union Church Parish Hall.