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Our Newsletters


Volume 26, #1

"South Bristol Co-op;" "School Lobster Buoy Project;" "Farrin's Store & Lobster Pound;" "McFarland Family;" "A Short History of South Bristol by Nelson W. Gamage"


Volume 26, #2

"Walpole Union Chapel Restoration;" "1972 Film - Lobstering in Maine with Tim Alley;" "Scholarship Award;" "State Historian Shettleworth Presents Meeting Houses;" "Gaul Family of Walpole;" 



Volume 25, #1

"Corliss Farrin;" "Navy Patrol Plane Rescue;" "1965 Vocaline Sonobuoy Testing;"

"Ashley Eugley Fellowship;" "Old Walpole Meetinghouse at 250;" "Oral History - William Rice;"

"Rice Family - Museum Donations"


Volume 25, #2

"New SB Elementary School 1961;" "John & Sally Gay Family Photos;" "Seiders Genealogy;"

"Scholarship Award;" "1813 Nathaniel Gamage House - Afton & Annie May Farrin;"



Volume 24, #1

"1970s Ann Hillis Photos;" "Schooner Lewis R French;" "Kelsey Walpole Homestead."


Volume 24, #2

"Wabanaki Basket Weavers;" "Museum Accessions - Rice and Bell families;" "Scholarship Award;" "Harvard Foster -Volunteer Fireman;" "Poorhouse Farm History"



Volume 23, #1

"1820 –2020 Maine’s Bicentennial;" "Maine Flag Facts;" "The Sproul Homestead."


Volume 23, #2

"Maine in 1920 and One Hundred Years Later;" "Women's Suffrage, Samuel Otis and the Otis Family." 



Volume 22, #1

"Grace Courtland;" "Witch of Wall Street, Part II."


Volume 22, #2

"South Bristol’s New Veterans Memorial;" " Roll of Honor Dedication Ceremony."



Volume 21, #1

"What's New at the Museum;" " 2018 Summer Program;" "SBHS Celebrates its Twentieth Birthday;" " Excerpts from the Pemaquid Messenger, July 14, 1886, compiled by Nat Hammond.


Volume 21, #2

"Meet our New Trustees;" "Thank you, Volunteers;" "A New Veteran's Memorial;" "SBHS Scholarship Award;" "Saving the Historic Pemaquid Mill;" " Witch of Wall Street, Pt 1;"

"The Cowboy Poet;"


                                                                                                                 continued on next page...


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